Benefits of Microneedling

Microneedling treatment is a type of skin care procedure that employs thin needles to create a series of holes in the top layer of the skin. Applying this mild amount of damage to the skin can help stimulate the skin’s healing process, releasing beneficial hormones such as collagen and elastin, which can help maintain a youthful appearance for longer. You can receive microneedling treatment on many different areas of the body. Knowing the exact benefits of microneedling can help you prepare for it more adequately and enhance both your results and recovery period.


Why Get Microneedling?

The primary purpose of microneedling is cosmetic enhancement, although the procedure has many medical benefits as well. Individuals often seek microneedling to improve the general health of one’s skin and to help remove certain abrasions and marks. Most patients receive this treatment on the face, but microneedling can also be performed on the following areas of the body:

  • Legs
  • Back
  • Neck
  • Arms

You will have the opportunity to discuss with your physician which areas of the body would most benefit from microneedling. Letting them know which areas of the body you believe are most in need of or would benefit most from microneedling can help them create a plan to optimize your results.


Benefits of Microneedling

There are many different benefits that microneedling can provide for a patient. Common benefits that patients report include the following:

  • Removal of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tightening of sagging skin
  • Removal of mild scars
  • Decrease in stretch marks
  • Evened-out skin tone
  • Reduced presence of enlarged pores

Along with the aesthetic-enhancing benefits listed above, there are some medical situations that microneedling can improve, such as:

Prior to receiving treatment, you will discuss the issues you are trying to address and create a treatment plan that fits your particular needs.


Who Should Not Receive Microneedling? 

Patients should take precautions when considering the microneedling procedure. Some preexisting conditions and diseases may prohibit a physician from applying a microneedling treatment to a patient. You should discuss the following conditions with your doctor prior to receiving microneedling treatment:

  • Blood disorders that require you to take anticoagulants
  • Severe acne that requires medication
  • Cancer or other conditions that require chemotherapy
  • Frequent skin rashes
  • Skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis

You should take some time with your physician prior to receiving treatment to discuss the general state of your health and whether you have any condition that might interfere with your ability to receive microneedling treatment.


What Occurs During Microneedling?

During a microneedling treatment, your healthcare provider will clean the area of your body that is due to receive treatment. They do this about an hour before the microneedling procedure is performed. At the time of treatment, a hand-held roller with the needles used to perform microneedling is applied to the skin.

Most patients will not experience any pain during this process, only a slight itching or scratching sensation. That said, the process may cause some bleeding. Generally, the process is completed in 15 minutes to a few hours.


Recovering from Microneedling 

Microneedling is an outpatient procedure, so anyone who receives it can go home once it is completed. Your physician will give you a list of steps you can take to preserve your results. You may experience some small amounts of swelling and irritation.

In addition, your doctor may recommend things to avoid in the initial days following your procedure. These recommendations typically include instructions like avoiding getting the treatment area wet or wearing makeup on the treatment site.

As stated before, some conditions can complicate or even prohibit the microneedling procedure. If you suffer from one of the listed conditions but are still approved for treatment, there is a chance that your recovery period will look slightly different than the standard.


Hawaii’s Best Choice

Dr. Bradford Lee is respected as one of the best choices available for non-surgical skin treatment in Honolulu. If you are interested in discussing some of your plans for receiving microneedling treatment with Dr. Lee, contact our office today to start working on the treatment plan that is right for you.

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