Why Fat Transfer is Becoming So Popular

Woman getting a popular fat transfer injection

Whether due to aging, damaged, or injured skin, you may start to experience sags and wrinkles around the face. As you get older, the collagen in your skin stops being produced at such a high rate. Since collagen is responsible for your skin’s elasticity, this means that your skin is more likely to form sags … Read more

What to Know Before Quad Eyelid Surgery

Woman who is about to have quad eyelid surgery

Whether you are looking to correct droopy eyelids, fix blurred vision, or create more symmetry in your face, you might be considering blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery. At the office of Dr. Bradford Lee, we offer both upper and lower lid surgery to remove excess fat and get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Those … Read more

Options for Removing Dark Circles

Two adults looking for removing dark circles.

Have you been feeling exhausted recently? Eating poorly? Are you under uncommon amounts of tension? If you’ve responded to “yes” to these, you might be revealing physical signs of your pain. Among the most typical physical signs consists of bags or circles under the eyes. Let’s look at the best options for removing dark circles. … Read more

What Causes Droopy Eyelids?

Comparison between two women with droopy eyelids and regular eyelids.

Droopy eyelids, also known as ptosis, is a pathological issue that can occur for a variety of reasons. If you have ptosis, you are probably dealing with a variety of side effects which include constant fatigue and blurred vision. It’s important that you visit your eye specialist right away to determine what causes droopy eyelids. … Read more

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