Lip Lift
What is a lip lift?
A lip lift is a procedure that addresses specific cosmetic concerns about the shape, contour, and position of the upper lip. As we age, the upper lip elongates, can form extra wrinkles when we smile, can appear less full, and can reduce the amount of teeth that show when we smile. A lip lift shortens the space between the nose and the top of the lip, creates a more youthful fullness to the upper lip, and even increases the amount of teeth show when we smile to enhance and rejuvenate the lips and mouth. The results also appears natural and are long-lasting.
How does a lip lift work?
One of the core elements of a successful lip lift procedure is to have careful incision planning to hide the incision and not leave visible scars. The procedure involves making an incision hidden along the base of the nose, removing excess skin, and then lifting the lip into the new position. Typically, the skin removed is from below the base of the nose, so when the remaining skin is pulled upward, it creates a lifting effect to the upper lip.
How does Dr. Bradford Lee customize a lip lift?
Dr. Lee approaches each procedure with the understanding that each patient’s situation is unique. From their goals to the very structures of their face, each patient requires a personalized approach to bring about the best improvements in their appearance.
In addition to customizing the amount of tissue to be removed from the upper lip, patients may benefit from other lip enhancement procedures such as:
- Neuromodulators (for a “lip flip”)
- CO2 laser resurfacing (for perioral fine lines)
- Lip volume augmentation (with filler or fat transfer)
- Perioral volume augmentation (to the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, or chin)
These other procedures can be performed in combination or in stages to provide comprehensive treatment of the various signs of aging in the perioral region. Other patients seeking comprehensive facial rejuvenation may consider a facelift, eyelid surgery, or a brow and forehead lift. During your consultation, you can fully explore your procedure options and build a personalized plan with Dr. Lee’s guidance.


What is the procedure like?
Patients can expect their lip lift procedure to last about 1 hour, although this may be longer if the surgery is being combined with other procedures. If you are having only a lip lift, local anesthesia with light oral sedation is typically sufficient to ensure a comfortable surgical experience. However, if you are combining procedures or would like to be more sedated, we do offer the option of IV sedation with our anesthesiologist.
The surgery involves removing the excess skin on the upper lip and lifting and rotating the upper lip into a more youthful position. Dr. Lee meticulously sutures the incisions closed to help minimize any scarring. Patients can return home the same day with someone to drive them. In the follow-up period, Dr. Lee also recommends laser scar resurfacing to further fade the scars and make sure everything heals as beautifully as possible.
What is the downtime after a lip lift?
After a lip lift, there is typically minimal pain but patients can expect a mild amount of bruising and swelling which resolves over the first couple weeks. Sutures are removed 1-2 weeks after surgery. You should avoid heavy lifting, straining, and bending as well as excessive smiling or chewing. Dr. Lee will provide you with complete information about the specifics of your recovery period and what to expect during the downtime following your surgery.
Why do patients prefer an oculofacial plastic surgeon for this surgery?
Oculofacial surgeons have comprehensive experience specializing in the procedures focused on the face and how to achieve the optimal facial proportions. Due to the unique and delicate tissues and structures of the face, it is vital to work with a specialist who can evaluate and offer a broad array of options to treat your individual anatomy and concerns. Dr. Lee specializes in laser scar resurfacing and routinely combines this with lip lifts to help his patients have the most natural results and minimal scarring. Working with the right surgeon promotes patient safety, a smoother recovery, and overall higher satisfaction with the outcome.
Does insurance cover a lip lift?
A lip lift is purely for cosmetic purposes, so insurance companies typically do not cover it. However, our office does offer financing options for a lip lift and other cosmetic procedures. In addition to taking all major credit cards, we work with Alphaeon Credit, which has several flexible payment options available to help patients receive care.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Book your consultation to take the first step toward restoring a youthful fullness and contours to your lips through a lip lift in Honolulu with Dr. Bradford Lee. Call our office or use our online form to set up your visit with a leading board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon.