Scar Treatment
At Dr. Bradford Lee’s center for oculofacial plastic surgery, patients can discover a non-surgical solution for a broad range of scar types. With Scar Treatment, Dr. Lee provides patients with a means to see reduced or fully removed scarring and achieve clear, radiant skin.
What does the CO2 laser do?
CO2 lasers are the gold standard for laser skin resurfacing in modern medical practices. When used for treatments by an experienced practitioner, laser treatments can do many things, including:
- Tightening skin
- Stimulating deep collagen production
- Eliminating and softening wrinkles and fine lines
- Vaporizing the outer dead layers of skin to reveal fresh, luminous, and more youthful skin
- Flattening, fading, softening, and reducing the appearance of scars (acne, trauma, surgical)

This 21-year-old male presented with a scar on the right lower lid that was causing disfigurement and right lower eyelid retraction. He had 2 sessions of CO2 laser resurfacing to help fade the scar, address the lower lid retraction, and improve the quality and texture of the skin.

This 60+ year-old male presented with deep wrinkles and textural changes of the cheek. He had 1 session of CO2 laser resurfacing to tighten the skin and smooth the wrinkles and textural changes.

What types of scars are compatible with Scar Treatment
All types of scars can respond to laser treatments! Acne scars, surgical scars, traumatic scars, and more. The laser actually vaporizes microcolumns of scar tissue and replaces them with normal collagen to fade, flatten, and reduce the appearance of scars and make them look and feel more like normal skin.
Laser scar resurfacing can be repeated multiple times, and each time the results can continue to improve significantly. The best time to treat scars is within the first month following surgery or other cause of scarring (such as traumatic injury). Older scars are less responsive to treatment, may require more sessions, and may not achieve the same outcomes.
Scar Treatment is ideal for improving scars from a range of causes, including:
- Mohs surgery scars
- Eyelid surgery scars
- Dog bite scars (and other minor injury scars)
- Acne scars
- Belly button scars
- Burn scars
- Scars from traumatic injury


Who is a good candidate for CO2 laser skin treatments?
The best candidates for CO2 laser skin resurfacing are fair-skinned patients (i.e., Caucasian skin). The skin tones of patients who are Asian or of color have a risk of hyperpigmentation (temporary increased pigmentation of the skin), so we typically recommend other types of lasers or adjust the settings to do several more conservative treatments.
However, skin tone is not a limiting factor for laser scar removal treatments. For scar removal, patients with any skin type and color can be great candidates for CO2 laser scar resurfacing. By starting with a personal consultation with Dr. Bradford Lee, you can learn about the available options at OPSH and be matched with a solution that is optimal for your skin type and tone.
Recovery: What can I expect after treatment?
Downtime depends on how intensive your treatment parameters are. We can adjust these based on the quality of a patient’s skin and their tolerance for downtime. However, for skin resurfacing, patients can expect a few common factors following a treatment session. Though there is almost no pain after the procedure (it feels like a mild sunburn for the first couple of days), some effects may include:
- Some mild pinpoint bleeding for the first 24 hours
- The treated area appearing a little raw and crusty for the first week
By 7-10 days after treatment, the skin’s outer surface should be once again fully intact. At this point, you can start using a tinted sunscreen and mineral makeup. There can still be some redness and swelling that will resolve gradually over the next 1-2 months.
Scar Treatment is definitely not a “lunchtime” procedure, despite what some offices might claim. However, the results are AMAZING and beyond any other type of non-ablative laser. It is like polishing and eliminating the textural irregularities of the skin that are most prominent around the mouth, along the cheeks, and often in the under-eye region.
Results: How many treatment sessions will I need?
One session of CO2 laser skin resurfacing dramatically improves the quality of the skin while also providing impressive scar reduction. The final results are seen at about 3 months post-treatment, and an additional session can be performed any time after that if further improvement is desired. There is no limit to how many times you can have CO2 laser treatments, but the results are so dramatic that you do not need frequent or multiple sessions. For scars, the best results are usually after at least 1-3 treatments if treated early. In some cases, further treatments can still be helpful for extremely thick or aggressive scarring.
While each patient’s path is different, CO2 lasers can produce consistent results. With the right physician and some patience, you can confidently expect to see improvements in skin texture and quality that will look and feel transformative. Our mission is for every one of our patients to feel whole, beautiful, and comfortable in their own skin, and we work tirelessly to help you reach those goals.
How does your scar treatment program work for Maui patients who suffered burns from the wildfires?
Dr. Lee and OPSH want to do our part to help patients who suffered burns from the devastating Maui wildfires. Burn scars can be very aggressive and can result in thickened, disfiguring scars that can affect the function and position of the eyelids (on the face) and result in contractures and limited range of motions around joints (elbows, wrists, fingers, etc.). This typically starts about 1 week after the skin has healed and should be treated AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
We currently offer treatment at NO CHARGE TO THE PATIENT and offer anti-scarring injections and CO2 laser scar resurfacing to all patients who need it, regardless of insurance or ability to pay. If patients have health insurance, we will submit an insurance claim but will waive all co-pays and patient responsibility.
Book Your Visit for Scar Treatment Today
Scarring can be a burden, but it is one that you do not need to bear. With Scar Treatment and scar reduction treatments in Honolulu at OPSH, Dr. Lee and his staff are committed to ensuring patients can regain clear and healthy skin. Contact our office by phone or use the online form to take the first step toward booking your visit for a personal consultation with Dr. Lee.